
This challenge involves the configuration of frame relay. The objectives of this challenge are to:


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# config t
(config)# int s0
(config-if)# ip address
(config-if)# no shut
(config-if)# encapsulation ?
  atm-dxi      ATM-DXI encapsulation
  frame-relay  Frame Relay networks
  hdlc         Serial HDLC synchronous
  lapb         LAPB (X.25 Level 2)
  ppp          Point-to-Point protocol
  smds         Switched Megabit Data Service (SMDS)
  x25          X.25
(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
(config-if)# frame-relay map ip ?
  <16-1007>  DLCI
(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 102 
  broadcast            Broadcasts should be forwarded to this address
  cisco                Use CISCO Encapsulation
  compress             Enable TCP/IP and RTP/IP header compression
  ietf                 Use RFC1490/RFC2427 Encapsulation
  nocompress           Do not compress TCP/IP headers
  payload-compression  Use payload compression
  rtp                  RTP header compression parameters
  tcp                  TCP header compression parameters
(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast
(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast
(config-if)# frame-relay ?
  broadcast-queue      Define a broadcast queue and transmit rate
  class                Define a map class on the interface
  de-group             Associate a DE group with a DLCI
  interface-dlci       Define a DLCI on an interface/subinterface
  intf-type            Configure a FR DTE/DCE/NNI interface
  inverse-arp          Enable/disable inverse ARP on a DLCI
  ip                   Frame Relay Internet Protocol config commands
  lapf                 set LAPF parameter
  lmi-n391dte          set full status polling counter
  lmi-n392dce          LMI error threshold
  lmi-n392dte          LMI error threshold
  lmi-n393dce          set LMI monitored event count
  lmi-n393dte          set LMI monitored event count
  lmi-t392dce          set DCE polling verification timer
  lmi-type             Use CISCO-ANSI-CCITT type LMI
  local-dlci           Set source DLCI when LMI is not supported
  map                  Map a protocol address to a DLCI address
  multicast-dlci       Set DLCI of a multicast group
  priority-dlci-group  Define a priority group of DLCIs
  qos-autosense        enable QOS autosense
  route                frame relay route for pvc switching
  svc                  Enable frame relay SVCs
  traffic-shaping      Enable Frame Relay Traffic Shaping
  traps-maximum        set max traps FR generates at link up or when getting
                       LMI Full Status message
(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type ?
(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type ansi