Probabilistic Encryption using the Goldwasser–Micali (GM) method

And a hint of homomorphic encryption

Probabilistic Encryption using the Goldwasser–Micali (GM) method

And a hint of homomorphic encryption

With public key encryption, Alice could have two possible messages (a ‘0’ or a ‘1’) that she sends to Bob. If Eve knows the possible messages (a ‘0’ or a ‘1’), she will then cipher each one with Bob’s public key and then matches the results against the cipher message that Alice sends. Eve can thus determine what Alice has sent to Bob. In order to overcome this the Goldwasser–Micali (GM) method implements a probabilistic public-key encryption scheme. It also supports the usage of homomorphic encryption and was developed by Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali in 1982.


A demonstration of the method here.

In a probabilist encryption method, Alice selects the plaintext (m) and a random string (r). Next she uses Bob public key to encrypt the message pair of (m,r). If the value is random, then Eve will not be able to range of messages and random values used.

If Bob wants to create his public and private keys. He first selects two random prime numbers for his private key, and then calculates N:

N=p q

The values of p and q will be his private key and N will form part of his public key. For the second part of his public key he determines:


We pick a value of a, so that there is then no solution for this:

u² ≡ a (mod N)

This is defined a having no quadratic residues (here).

Bob’s public key is (N,a) and the private key is (p,q).

Key generation

The key encryption method becomes:

Bob selects p and q.

Bob selects a with (a/p) = (a/q) = -1. This is a Jacobi symbol calculation.

Bob publishes N and a.


To encrypt for Bob. Alice selects m, and which is a bit to encrypt m∈0,1.

Alice then uses Bob’s values of (N,a) to compute:

c=r² (mod N) if m=0

c=a r² (mod N) if m=1

Alice chooses r at random, and thus Eve will not be able to spot the message, as the random values will consist of all possible squares modulo N, when m=0.

Alice sends the cipher bit (c) to Bob.


Bob then computes the Jacobi symbol (c/p) and gets:

m=0 if c/p=1

m=1 if c/p=−1

A demonstration of the method here.


An outline of the code from here is:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf8
from unicodedata import normalize
from string import ascii_letters
from random import randint
import sys
# Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test (HAC 4.24)
# returns True if n is a prime number
# n is the number to be tested
# t is the security parameter

def miller_rabin(n, t):
assert(n % 2 == 1)
assert(n > 4)
assert(t >= 1)
    # select n - 1 = 2**s * r
r, s = n - 1, 0
while r % 2 == 0:
s += 1
r >>= 1 #r = (n - 1) / 2 ** s
    for i in range(t):
a = randint(2, n - 2) # this requires n > 4
        y = pow(a, r, n) # python has built-in modular exponentiation
if y != 1 and y != n - 1:
j = 1
while j <= s - 1 and y != n - 1:
y = pow(y, 2, n)
if y == 1:
return False
j += 1
if y != n - 1:
return False
    return True
def is_prime(n):
if n in [2, 3]:
return True
if n % 2 == 0:
return False
    return miller_rabin(n, 10)
def nearest_prime(n):
if is_prime(n):
return n
    if n % 2 == 0:
n += 1
    i = 0
while True:
i += 1
n += 2
        if is_prime(n):
return n
def big_prime(size):
n = randint(1, 9)
for s in range(size):
n += randint(0, 9) * s**10
    return nearest_prime(n)
def is_even(x):
return x % 2 == 0
# calculates jacobi symbol (a n)
def jacobi(a, n):
if a == 0:
return 0
if a == 1:
return 1
    e = 0
a1 = a
while is_even(a1):
e += 1
a1 /= 2
assert 2**e * a1 == a
    s = 0
    if is_even(e):
s = 1
elif n % 8 in {1, 7}:
s = 1
elif n % 8 in {3, 5}:
s = -1
    if n % 4 == 3 and a1 % 4 == 3:
s *= -1
    n1 = n % a1

if a1 == 1:
return s
return s * jacobi(n1, a1)
def quadratic_non_residue(p):
a = 0
while jacobi(a, p) != -1:
a = randint(1, p)
    return a
def xeuclid(a, b):
""" return gcd(a,b), x and y in 'gcd(a,b) = ax + by'.
x = [1, 0]
y = [0, 1]
sign = 1

while b:
q, r = divmod(a, b)
a, b = b, r
x[1], x[0] = q*x[1] + x[0], x[1]
y[1], y[0] = q*y[1] + y[0], y[1]
sign = -sign

x = sign * x[0]
y = -sign * y[0]
return a, x, y

def gauss_crt(a, m):
""" return x in ' x = a mod m'.
modulus = reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, m)

multipliers = []
for m_i in m:
M = modulus / m_i
gcd, inverse, y = xeuclid(M, m_i)
multipliers.append(inverse * M % modulus)

result = 0
for multi, a_i in zip(multipliers, a):
result = (result + multi * a_i) % modulus
return result
def pseudosquare(p, q):
a = quadratic_non_residue(p)
b = quadratic_non_residue(q)
    return gauss_crt([a, b], [p, q])
def generate_key(prime_size = 6):
p = big_prime(prime_size)
q = big_prime(prime_size)
while p == q:
p2 = big_prime(prime_size)
    y = pseudosquare(p, q)

keys = {'pub': (n, y), 'priv': (p, q)}
return keys
def int_to_bool_list(n):
return [b == "1" for b in "{0:b}".format(n)]
def bool_list_to_int(n):
s = ''.join(['1' if b else '0' for b in n])
return int(s, 2)
def encrypt(m, pub_key):
bin_m = int_to_bool_list(m)
n, y = pub_key
    def encrypt_bit(bit):
x = randint(0, n)
if bit:
return (y * pow(x, 2, n)) % n
return pow(x, 2, n)
return map(encrypt_bit, bin_m)
def decrypt(c, priv_key):
p, q = priv_key
def decrypt_bit(bit):
e = jacobi(bit, p)
if e == 1:
return False
return True
    m = map(decrypt_bit, c)
return bool_list_to_int(m)
def normalize_str(s):
u = unicode(s, 'utf8')
valid_chars = ascii_letters + ' '
un = ''.join(x for x in normalize('NFKD', u) if x in valid_chars).upper()
return un.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
def int_encode_char(c):
ind = ord(c)
val = 27 # default value is space
    # A-Z: A=01, B=02 ... Z=26
if ord('A') <= ind <= ord('Z'):
val = ind - ord('A') + 1
    return "%02d" % val
def int_encode_str(s):
return int(''.join(int_encode_char(c) for c in normalize_str(s)))
key = generate_key()
print key
m = int_encode_str(message)
print "\nMessage:",message, "Encoded:",m
enc = encrypt(m, key['pub'])
print "\nEncrypted:",enc
dec = decrypt(enc, key['priv'])
print "\nDecrypted:",dec

A sample run with the message of “hello” gives:

{'pub': (4232262339384161L, 1437503793545824L), 'priv': (46939117, 90164933)}
Message: hello Encoded: 805121215
Encrypted: [1835837186827820L, 3140813396076447L, 2990746254728634L, 1510036835586438L, 169446965992081L, 1357760858641767L, 522892758838421L, 3605506186322296L, 1614109525193245L, 610352056212238L, 3642063183497255L, 376169821568161L, 2228194295224742L, 3171103216413515L, 3494422732417692L, 1356339365224220L, 198206944933952L, 1991838395804232L, 1364411377244139L, 961257653676881L, 708201827556478L, 3209497044802980L, 2796387413915890L, 344864422239457L, 810082126842815L, 860038151313273L, 1769936740483701L, 1966083951460084L, 1608981715083026L, 2193342855525233L]
Decrypted: 805121215


The Goldwasser–Micali (GM) cryptosystem is a public key method which has been around for a while (1982), and was the first to outline the usage of probabilistic methods for encryption. By today’s standards it is not efficient, but its methods are now being used in the implementation of homomorphic encryption, such as with [paper].