In Search of the Perfect Cybercrime …

I get daily invites from agencies around the world to write blogs and articles on cyber security, and, for most, I politely decline. But…

In Search of the Perfect Cybercrime …

I get daily invites from agencies around the world to write blogs and articles on cyber security, and, for most, I politely decline. But when I get invite to outline the perfect cyber security crime — the one which has the most chance of profit and with the minimum chance of being caught — I just can’t refuse.

Over the next few weeks I’m going to peer into the strange world of cyber crime and find the crimes which can bring most reward to a criminal. I will then outline them at Dublin Information Sec 2018 (15 October 2018):

So, here is my first one on DDoS-for-hire, and how law enforcement is actually fighting back:

So get ready for those crimes where the criminals keep at arms length from law enforcement, and how, with information sharing across countries, we can start to address these crimes.