The Keys To Your Castle, and Your Backdoor, Front door and Side door

The Greatest Risk to the security of your organisation?

The Keys To Your Castle, and Your Backdoor, Front door and Side door

The Greatest Risk to the security of your organisation?

So what are your company’s keys to the castle?

Well, for many, it is the SSH keys that support the accesses to cloud-based systems and code repositories. If these keys are compromised, it can lead to threats around the large scale loss of Intellectual Property (IP), data loss, and a whole lot of other things. Your company can also lose all digital trust in itself, and to external systems.

Most developers, for example, know that these key provide the core protection against a loss of their code, and where the management of these keys is now fundamental to the security of many organisations. For GitHub access, or for AWS and Azure accesses, it is magical public keys that give them trusted access. A loss of the private key associated with the public key, then, can mean a large scale breach of data, and a general loss of trust.

The Trusted Connection …

For an SSH connection, I’ll illustrate the process with Bob (the client) and Alice (the server):

If Bob the Client is connecting to Alice the Server, he will generate a key pair (such as with RSA or Elliptic Curve methods), and put his public key file onto the server (normally this is stored with a .pub extension, and he will often copy and paste this into a file on the server). Alice then registers this as a valid key. Bob and/or Alice can revoke this key at any time. There are no risks to the public key being viewed by anyone.

Bob then connects to Alice and they might pick the Diffie-Hellman method of with a generator value (g) and the prime number (p). Bob then generates a random value (x) and passes e=g^x (mod p) to Alice. Alice then generates a random value (y) and passes f=g^y (mod p) to Bob. The shared key is then K= f^x (mod p) and which should be the same as e^y (mod p). Bob and Alice can now tunnel with the shared key, and using the symmetric key algorithm that they agreed on (such as ChaCha20, AES CTR or AES GCM).

No-one else will have the shared key (K) between Bob and Alice, even if they have been spying on their communications (as x and y are secret values).

Next — within the tunnel — Bob sends the public key that he wants to identify himself with, and Alice checks that it is registered. Alice then encrypts a message with Bob’s public key, and sends the encrypted message to him. As he is the only one with the required private key, he decrypts it, and sends the message back to Alice. Alice checks the message, and if it is the same as the one she encrypted, she knows she is talk with Bob, and so grants him access to the system.

So what does a magic key look like?

So what does these magical keys actually look like? Well, on your Mac or our Linux machine, you have a special folder named .ssh and within it we store our keys. To generate an RSA key pair (a public key and a private key) we use:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “your email address”

The public key then becomes your identifier for secure connections. An example public key is:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDLrriuNYTyWuC1IW7H6yea3hMV+rm029m2f6IddtlImHrOXjNwYyt4Elkkc7AzOy899C3gpx0kJK45k/CLbPnrHvkLvtQ0AbzWEQpOKxI+tW06PcqJNmTB8ITRLqIFQ++ZanjHWMw2Odew/514y1dQ8dccCOuzeGhL2Lq9dtfhSxx+1cBLcyoSh/lQcs1HpXtpwU8JMxWJl409RQOVn3gOusp/P/0R8mz/RWkmsFsyDRLgQK+xtQxbpbodpnz5lIOPWn5LnT0si7eHmL3WikTyg+QLZ3D3m44NCeNb+bOJbfaQ2ZB+lv8C3OxylxSp2sxzPZMbrZWqGSLPjgDiFIBL fred@blogs

For elliptic curve we can use ECDSA:

ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -C “your email address”

The public key then has the format of:

ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBE+y72Vqy52xgqo4aBJUZXKpqbsEpkiUvnCxtr+ZbPM3jyrr2ANl9Ivh66pa6fDwomAA+8SzgRlXV5QnVGQExoE= fred@blogs

and a private key of:


The public key is then ported onto the remote server, and will authenticate the client. Before we pass the public key, we must create an encrypted tunnel, so let’s look at the process for an SSH connection (and which normally uses TCP port 22 on the server to communicate with).

The key negotiation

When we connect through ssh, we open up a communication channel where the server — with the Server: Key Exchange Init message— sends a range of algorithms that it would like to use for the key exchange, and also for the symmetric key algorithm. In the example given next, we see the key exchange methods include Curve29919 (Elliptic Curve) and Diffie-Hellman, and the symmetric key methods include ChaCha20/Poly1305, 192-bit AES (CTR) and 128-bit AES (GCM):

The client then does the same thing with a Client: Key Exchange Init message (SSH_MSG_KEXDH_INIT). The client and server then agree to the method used.

In the following example the client tells the server that it wants to use the Diffie-Hellman method to generate the session key, and sends its public value (e). For this the client generates a random value (x), and calculates a value of e (e=g^x mod p) and sends this to the server:

The server then generates a random value (y) and sends its public value (f=g^y mod p) as a Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Reply, New Keys message (SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY):

The client — which knows a secret of x — will receive f, and generate the shared key as:

K = f^x mod p

The server — which knows a secret of y — will generate the key as:

K = e^y mod p

The key exchange ends with a Client: New Keys (SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS) message:

Note the standard for diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 is to use Oakley Group 2, we have following values for p and g:

The prime is 2^1024 - 2^960 - 1 + 2^64 * { [2^894 pi] + 129093 }.

29024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DD
EF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245
E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7ED
EE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE65381
The generator (g) is 2 

The values of g and p are thus well known to both the client and the server, and where there is no need to pass these. From the value of the prime number, we can see we are using a 1,024-bit value. In more secure environments, you should use Diffie Hellman Group 5 security and above. With Group 5 we have a 1,536-bit prime number and with Group 14 we have a 2,048 bit prime.

We can specify the hosts we trust and the methods used within the ./ssh/config file:

KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

Other options are:


The public key passing

We now should now have a shared key and the packets will now be encrypted with it. Next the client sends its public key to the server, and the server checks that it knows about it. The server then encrypts a message with the client’s public key, and send it to the client. The client must then decrypt this message with its private key and then send it back, for the server to check. If correct, the server knows that the client is valid.

If you have Wireshark, here is the trace I’ve used.


A sample run gives:

Generate public key (1,204 bits)
Public key: 
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQCwzh+C4XxgB0mce2+bB+rt9mF9nNBYtuCO82EHxACMWpsdz6vFjvM3StA0R44YFT2b5tHFa2+tbvMSHL0lYpPpIhNOUPkQ4DpTv+22ehpDN1/86yEF2UeG0PJIKpxLg9XQbybqNxSxWyrJDJshZvDu0WvWTtihE2twC2vbOKziHw==
Private key (PEM)
Diffie Hellman Group 1 SHA1 key exchange
Prime: 179769313486231590770839156793787452899496105780084477581364395941166029300994227248108142568843635979525217656468305187283113985859749391620117724605713213166583281361514260165573916676436384587380559654134976387464728712299852705313967066086226450531450329744102406706749410555665787151172640288690206146559
g: 2
Bob's random value (512-bit): 12381421778935651834613565418485875449555163897934742376047213608162734104245041587708977954063043593389360807299555106385264576157482581773758110446880234
Alice's random value (512-bit): 1489805871059747417954470368838655324839313539141183558629503207401483755764971847254527959331402155513413039000732445217698577463403887489988542053942880
Shared key: 120108935013672105663120250420884162159451869199425857627692298338457470156854927571467077588460550431387293141168682258069614461504680375958559252485100174597947741731931065201722474145979130943004552512711143147537889465065324245747427471825543577674644504472526410769982889024918673035441434433368963121185

An outline of the code is:

import os
import sys
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
import math
print 'Generate public key (1,204 bits)'
key = RSA.generate(1024, os.urandom)
pubkey = key.publickey()
print "Public key: \n",pubkey.exportKey(type)
print "\nPrivate key (PEM)"
print key.exportKey('PEM')
if (type=='OpenSSH'):
p=2**1024 - 2**960 - 1 + 2**64 * int(math.floor( 2**894 * math.pi + 129093 ))
print "\nDiffie Hellman Group 1 SHA1 key exchange"
print "Prime: ",p
print "g: ",g
x = random.getrandbits(512)
y = random.getrandbits(512)
print "Bob's random value (512-bit):",x
print "Alice's random value (512-bit):",y
e = pow(g, x, p)
K= pow(g,y,p)
print "Shared key:",K

Why is it so important?

Venafi recently surveyed 500 CIOs and found that one of the greatest holes in security in their organisations is related to encryption keys and digital certificates. They found also that 86% of CIOs think that stealing encryption keys and digital certificates is a significant threat to their organisation, and 79% feel that innovation is being held back because of the trust issues with encryption keys.

Ponemon too undertook some research into failures in control and trust, and surveyed over 2,400 companies from the Global 2000 in Australia, France, Germany, the UK and the US, and found that attacks on trust could lead to every organization losing up to $400 million. With this they identified that one of the major weaknesses in enterprise security is often the lack of management over encryption keys and certificates.

This they report is down to them:

  • Not knowing the number of keys and certificates they have. In fact, the majority (51%) don’t know how many are in use.
  • Not knowing if they have strong enough hashing algorithms.
  • Not knowing if their encryption is compliant with organisational policy.

This is alarming, especially as there is a move to Cloud-based systems, where a large-scale data breach can be caused by a single loss of an encryption key. Overall Ponemon found that Global 2000 companies had an average of 17,807 keys and certificates issued. They also reported that trust-based attacks would be hard to detect and would attack critical processes, and that an attack on SSH services would allow other organisations to take direct control of their data and their Cloud-based processes.

Also, Ponemon found that 18% — nearly one-in-five — of companies survey thought that they expected to fall prey to a legacy cryptography attack over the next two years. And what about fixing easy problems? For this they found that the expected cost of an easily preventable key management failure was $125 million. The easy win would be for them to establish control over their trust infrastructure, with 59% of the sample organisations saying that a refresh of key and certificate management would allow them to significantly reduce their security risks.

Things are not good on compromised Certificate Authorities (CAs) too, and where certificate impersonation is likely to expose each company to a cost of $73 million over two years.

In terms of detail of breaches in the past 24 months, the reported levels were:

  • 7% for man-in-the-middle (CA compromise).
  • 3% for SSH key theft.
  • 5% for server key theft.
  • 18% for weak cryptography threat.

A figure of nearly one-in-five with a weak cryptography breach is fairly shocking!


I cannot stress enough about the importance of these key pairs, and how they relate to the security of an organisation. A breach of the trust infrastructure is one of the most expensive things to cope with, both in terms of cost of mitigation and in the damage that it can lead too. A loss of a private key with a large organisation will be measured in millions in just the mitigation process.

A loss of the private key can also mean large-scale data loss, and also allows hackers access to remote connections to corporate cloud infrastructures.

So for private keys, companies …

MUST be managed carefully, and rotated on a regular basis.

MUST always to monitored for accesses and for rights breaches (especially in searching for private keys on systems).

SHOULD ALWAYS be changed when trusted people leave the organisation.

SHOULD NEVER be stored in a place where an untrusted person could get access to them.

MUST know where all the private keys are, and when back-up key are kept.

These keys are the keys to your castle, and your backdoor and your front door and the side door and your windows, and your car …