Diffie-Hellman with Zero-Knowledge Proof

Well. The Diffie-Hellman method has been around for nearly 50 years, and it is still going strong. It’s at the core many modern key…

Diffie-Hellman with Zero-Knowledge Proof

Well. The Diffie-Hellman method has been around for nearly 50 years, and it is still going strong. It’s at the core many modern key exchange methods, such as ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman), and you’ll find it on your connections to Google, your wi-fi connections to your corporate networks, and in the Tor protocol. And we can also use it to stop users sending their sensitive information (such as their passwords). Within the Diffie-Hellman method, it is natural for Bob and Alice to keep their secrets private, but still end up with the same shared value.

In the Diffie-Hellman method Bob passes G^x(mod p) and Alice passes G^y (mod p), and where x and y are secrets. Let’s say now that Alice wants Bob to prove that he still knows x without revealing his value. We can do this with Zero-knowledge proofs. In this case Bob produces a secret, a challenge, and a response, which Alice can check. Overall she never knows the value of x that Bob has used:

Within the Diffie-Hellman method, Bob and Alice generate random values (x and y):

In this method we create a challenge and a response:

secret = self.get_shared_secret(remote_pub)
        # Random key in the group Z_q
randKey = DiffieHellman() # random secret
commit1 = randKey.public
commit2 = randKey.get_shared_secret(remote_pub)
        # shift and hash
concat = str(G) + str(prover_pub) + str(remote_pub) + str(secret) + str(commit1) + str(commit2)
h = hashlib.md5()
challenge = int(h.hexdigest(), 16)
product = (self.secret * challenge) % phi
response = (randKey.secret - product) % phi

and where the challenge is a hash of G, the provers public key, the remote public key, the secret key, a random value and a shared secret random value. PHI is p-1.

In this case secret will be the shared secret that has been negotiated by Bob and Alice.


We can use the code from [here to generate the secret, challenge and response:

# zkp-dh: Zero-knowledge proof generator and verifier for one party to show
# to another that their Diffie-Hellman shared secret is correct.
# See the Camenisch and Stadler paper for procedural specifics on ZKP
# proof generation, such as knowledge of discrete logarithm.
# Lining Wang, June 2014
import random
import hashlib
import binascii
import sys
# DiffieHellman class enables construction of keys capable of performing
# D-H exchanges, and interactive proof of knowledge
class DiffieHellman:
P = 101
G = 51
    def __init__(self,secret=0):
if (secret==0):
self.secret = random.randrange(1 << (self.G.bit_length() - 1), self.G - 1)
self.secret = secret
self.public = pow(self.G, self.secret, self.P)
    # get shared secret: (g^b)^a mod p
def get_shared_secret(self, remote_pub):
return pow(remote_pub, self.secret, self.P)
    # Given the public key of B (remote_pub), shows that the shared secret
# between A and B was generated by A.
# Returns zero-knowledge proof of shared Diffie-Hellman secret between A & B.
def prove_shared_secret(self, remote_pub):
G = self.G; prover_pub = self.public; phi = self. P - 1;
secret = self.get_shared_secret(remote_pub)
        # Random key in the group Z_q
randKey = DiffieHellman() # random secret
commit1 = randKey.public
commit2 = randKey.get_shared_secret(remote_pub)
        # shift and hash
concat = str(G) + str(prover_pub) + str(remote_pub) + str(secret) + str(commit1) + str(commit2)
h = hashlib.md5()
challenge = int(h.hexdigest(), 16)
product = (self.secret * challenge) % phi
response = (randKey.secret - product) % phi
        return (secret, challenge, response)
    # Verifies proof generated above. Verifier c is showing that
# shared secret between A and B was generated by A.
# returns 0 if if verification fails; returns shared secret otherwise
def verify_shared_secret(self, prover_pub, remote_pub, secret, challenge,
P = self.P; G = self.G ; public = self.public
        # g^r * (a's public key)^challenge
commit1 = (pow(G, response, P) * pow(public, challenge, P)) % P
        # (b's public key)^response * (secret)^challenge
commit2 = (pow(remote_pub, response, P) * pow(secret, challenge, P)) % P
        # Shift and hash
hasher = hashlib.md5()
concat = str(G) + str(prover_pub) + str(remote_pub) + str(secret) + str(commit1) + str(commit2)
check = int(hasher.hexdigest(), 16)
        if challenge == check:
return secret
return 0

a = DiffieHellman(x)
b = DiffieHellman(y)
print "G=",a.G
print "p=",a.P
print "x=",x
print "y=",y
print "\n============"
print "a (pub,sec)=",a.public,a.secret
print "b (pub,sec)=",b.public,b.secret
print "Shared=",shared
print "\nNow Bob will generate the secret, a challenge and a response"
results = a.prove_shared_secret(b.public)
print "(secret, challenge, response):",results
val=a.verify_shared_secret(a.public, b.public, results[0], results[1], results[2])
print "\nAlice now checks"
if (val==shared):
print "Bob has proven he knows x"
print "Bob has not proven that he knows x"

Well, here is an overview of the method we have just discussed: