Randomization with GIMLI

GIMLI is a cross-platform method which produces a 384-bit permutation state with high levels of security. and has excellent performance…

Randomization with GIMLI

GIMLI is a cross-platform method which produces a 384-bit permutation state with high levels of security. and has excellent performance across a range of 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit platforms [paper]. It has 24 rounds and uses simple EX-OR, AND, OR, and Cyclic shift operations. In the following we will generate a seed value, and which is used to create an initial state for GIMLI.

GIMLI is focused on producing a relatively large state size (384 bits) and is efficient for energy consumption and processor requirements. It is free from side channel attacks and has protection against short messages. A few other methods for permuations includes:

  • Keccak provides a 1,600-bit permutation and is energy-efficient and has 24 rounds.
  • Chaskey provides a 128-bit permutation for a 128-bit key and runs well on microcontrollers [link].
  • Salsa20 and ChaCha20 provide a 512-bit permutation and is efficient on embedded systems.

A state in GIMLI is defined as 3×4 matrix of 32-bit words. A column j is defined with 96 bits, and row i by 128 bits. The algorithm used is:

To generate a sample, we generate a seed of 0x9e3779b9 and create our 3x4 matrix:

Seed:	 0x9e3779b9 2654435769
00000000 9e3779ba 3c6ef37a daa66d46
78dde724 1715611a b54cdb2e 53845566
f1bbcfc8 8ff34a5a 2e2ac522 cc624026
ba11c85a 91bad119 380ce880 d24c2c68
3eceffea 277a921c 4f73a0bd da5a9cd8
84b673f0 34e52ff7 9e2bef49 f41bb8d6
ea223492 3fbb2166 68314a61 9165986e
67fca6e0 bd9c5b3b 71d12d9c c13c4a87
b4683e05 8298cbfb a5b64fa5 717d83e1
bf11569b acff7155 3b5c36bd f9e06baa
f51bd351 bf8a897e 877cfcea 39a4c248
e17db921 17650092 05c7b1b6 abb9a379

If we change the seed value to 0x9e3779b8, we see the permuation changes greatly:

Seed:	 0x9e3779b8 2654435768
00000000 9e3779b9 3c6ef378 daa66d43
78dde720 17156115 b54cdb28 5384555f
f1bbcfc0 8ff34a51 2e2ac518 cc62401b
bfaf61f2 6c896d82 cf9682ef 345a2120
397498c8 df6136e3 60234065 66960283
caa12626 da2b16e9 f8a01954 23bbec34
2844a96a 8662d9bf f98322a5 5281d29d
1c8e0d68 98588f1f b49848ba 481af1b7
1a1874ba 141b5d14 48cf2713 75bb932c
3df8e05d eef36199 ae4769de 19263580
e51a6793 0acd040d e5f3053b 5f4ab0bd
15a432e2 8832ddd8 98944796 001445a2

The coding used is:

GIMLI is proposed as one of the standards by NIST for light-weight crypto. It is certainly fast, but is it also efficient on IoT devices, and is it also secure?