Our Wonderful Brain … and a Taste of Cyber

What makes our world great, is that we are all so different. We make friends with those we like, and on the things we like about them —…

Our Wonderful Brain … and a Taste of Cyber

What makes our world great, is that we are all so different. We make friends with those we like, and on the things we like about them — the way they think and act. And we fall in love with those people who we adore. We are all different, and at the core of this is the way our brains work. Every single firing of neurons in our brain brings something totally unique to our world.

And so next week, in our SOCLAB lab, we start a new journey for us, and its is one we deeply believe in. Our course is focused on neuro-atypical/ autistic participants, and aims to provide a “Taste of Cyber”, and, hopefully, achieve these goals within Scotland:

  • Increase people’s cyber resilience through awareness raising and engagement
  • Explicitly embed cyber resilience throughout our education and lifelong learning system
  • Develop the cyber security workforce and profession to ensure that skills supply meets demand and that skilled individuals can find rewarding employment in Scotland.

But the opportunity is there to provide the spark that the shows someone the potential of this amazing new digital world that we are creating, as cybersecurity is helping building a world of opportunity, for lives of citizens, and also to create new economic business models. It brings new skills and also many different ways to enter the industry, and then to move in whichever path is best for someones career path.

I strongly believe that Cybersecurity brings forth new skills and cognitive abilities, and that our existing Bloom’s model of education doesn’t quite work for the requirements of modern workforce. Our “Taste of Cyber” course aims to bring showcase the broad spectrum of cybersecurity, from protecting your data with cryptography to the driving of Splunk to analyse complex data sets.

As a teacher, you must respect every route that someone will take in their learning, and every single person must have the rights to take whichever route they want. There is no “typical” learner, and there is no “typical” way of learning, we are all different, and it is this difference which is so special in our world. There should never be barriers to education and learning, and it must be at the core of future world … our new economies will be built knowledge exchange and education, so go help support it!