RSA Digital Signatures in 12 Lines of Python

I have been setting myself 12 line challenges for RSA encryption, so here’s one which signs a message in RSA in just 12 lines of Python…

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RSA Digital Signatures in 12 Lines of Python

I have been setting myself 12 line challenges for RSA encryption, so here’s one which signs a message in RSA in just 12 lines of Python code. With digital signing, we take our private key, and encrypt our message to give a signature. Our public key is then used to verify the signature.

With this we use the decryption key value to encrypt for a signature, and the public key to prove the signature. In this case, we use s as the signing exponent (which would be defined as d for decryption), and v for the verification exponent (which would be defined as e for encryption). Alice initially has two secret prime numbers (p and q), and which she produces a product (the modulus):


Next, she selects a verification exponent (v), and which does not share a factor with:


In most cases she will select:


Next she computes the signature exponent (s) with:


Next she takes a message (D) and sign with:

S=D^s (mod N)

Bob then checks the signature with:


If M is equal to , the signature matches.

This works because of Euler’s formula, where:

S^v=D^{sv}=D (mod N)

The coding is here:

A sample run [here]:

Signing exponent (s,n)
Verification exponent (e,n)

Now, here is a challenge for your Python skills. For a message of “hello”, and v=65537, N=1153226552172867843905302101042644849, which is the valid signature:

(a) 258328677494448090555019031167631465
(b) 278328677494248090555119031167631463
(c) 258388677494748090555919031167631462