Without Networking, Meetups and Conferences, High Innovation Could Crash

We have successfully spun-out three cybersecurity security companies and have a fourth one in progress. A core part of the initial phases…

Five Years On …

The Cyber Academy was launched around five years ago this week. It has been an amazing journey, with so many people involved. In fact, Basil Manoussos, who was part of the launch, liked it so much, that he is now its manager.

On a sunny day in May 2015, we outlined our vision of helping to build a more secure world:

Over the past few weeks, we have been busier than ever and helping to support SMEs with grant proposals. But, as it has been easy to engage with these SMEs, we have not found it easy to engage with governments, large industry and the public sector.

So here are a few memories for the past:

And I couldn’t miss out the inspiration that is Dr Jamie Graves (and his cats):

In our academic principles we believe in debate:


And we’ve hosted some amazing people, such as Andreas M.Antonopoulos:

And Bruce Schneier:

And there’s more presentations here:

So, get ready, we all need to rebuild our world… let’s build something that is fit for our next generation to thrive in. And if you want some training, here’s the new Cyber&Data courses:

And, don’t take the status quo as our normal state, probe, innovate and debate. Here’s to another great five years: