The Only Way Forward for Privacy … Zero

Cryptography — to me — is magic! It gives mathematical certainty to a world which lacks any real digital foundation. Our Internet was…

The Only Way Forward for Privacy … Zero

Cryptography — to me — is magic! It gives mathematical certainty to a world which lacks any real digital foundation. Our Internet was created with little thought of security, and it took almost a decade for anyone to even mention the concept of security within the standards that have drive the Internet (also known as RFCs — Request For Comments). Thus we have patched our security infrastructure as we have gone along, and with weak overall security. We have thus a patch-work Internet. Along with this, we have cared little about preserving the privacy of the users, and just blindly ask for sensitive information when we need it. If we need to prove that some lives in a certain city, we might gain their GPS co-ordinate, while all we really need is the proof that they live in that city. And so we must move towards a world where we prove knowledge of something and not give away our sensitive information. For this meet zero-knowledge proofs:

If you’re not into Python, then you should be! Here’s some code examples: