Verifiable Random Functions (VRF)

It sounds like a hard task, but can we produce a random function which is verifiable in its operation?

Photo by Joe Maldonado on Unsplash

Verifiable Random Functions (VRF)

It sounds like a hard task, but can we produce a random function which is verifiable in its operation?

Overall, a Verifiable Random Function (VRF) allows the owner of a private key the ability to create a hashed value of data, while anyone with the associated public key can prove the validity of the hash. Thus the owner of the private key can produce H(x) from H(x)=f_priv(x), while someone with the public key can prove that H(x) is the hash of x. This is similar to the approach of keyed cryptography hashes but uses public-key encryption for the key operation.

A demo of the method I will outline is here:

We will use the method coded by Google and defined in the appendix of [1][here]:

The method in the paper is defined in a discrete log format, but we now normally use elliptic curve methods. It is fairly easy to convert from a discrete log format (with exponentiation) to multiplication:

g^x → x.G

and where g is the base in the discrete log form, and G is the base point on the curve. With elliptic curves, we have two core operations: a point add, and a point scalar multiply.

With the method, initially Alice create a random private key of x. Her public key is then:


and where G is the base point on the curve. Next, she selects a random value of r, and then takes a hash of the message (m) and matches it to the curve:


Next she computers the VRF value:


This is the hash of the value x. Next, she has to create the proof of converting x in VRF, so creates a scalar value (s) using the following:



t = r−s.k mod N

and where N is the order of the curve. The proof is then (s,t,VRF). To prove, Bob takes Alice’s public key (kG) and computes:


Next Bob computes:



Now Bob computes:


Bob then checks that h_2 is equal to s. If so, the hash has been proven.

Note that H1() hashes the data to a point on the curve, while H2() hashes to a scalar value.

We will use the code defined [here]:

A sample run shows that a valid encryption key produces a valid proof, and then an invalid one generates an incorrect proof:

== Creation of proofs ===
Data: [hello] Index: 071a928acd52349f74f932c183946b4a8c4d44de59a627e16d3dff2104d5f8d5 Proof: 816851f928f1ff5f15504cffa51e4be12df9ad0ccb67158718db3268d6d6ca3355ad33f888588f7e862ac8ca428e62c775b6063fc7f39751cbedde36689ce01d041173d72b619f3b5ddfe398bab6851ec5870aa29d8bc4655ef8c6a4fb8575f058be8282179f1e90eedfa9ed04837f32dde01c143826db05fcd12a93689c650dbf
Data: [hello2] Index: cbdb230c421f0f72d8d5e1c64edbb78cec6c1439448db19f414a93ccaf2f2f2f Proof: a9a7650a7c5decc9a1a10d2d854bb08a183fb3f20c641e3149b15fb55d7cc8bdc72d1ca42b41232ea6453ac186e0fe0ed9c09deedd0e56833fc4e1894567512104ad6c7761e441683e665fcafbbbe1dfa298404ae835a740ec26d72585f4ecf860993ce99512e16ef7b7abe357891f03cd04e10652d781e2dd440661adec7cd2ab
== Verfication of proofs ===
Result 1: 071a928acd52349f74f932c183946b4a8c4d44de59a627e16d3dff2104d5f8d5
Result 2: cbdb230c421f0f72d8d5e1c64edbb78cec6c1439448db19f414a93ccaf2f2f2f


Isn’t that clever? I can have a secret method that you can’t compute, but I can show you that my input and the output tally up. If you want the demo, it is here:

If you are interested in learning more about Zero-knowledge proofs: