Add and Removing Data from ECC Accumulators

An accumulator allows Bob to add values onto a fixed-length digest, and to provide proof of the values added, without revealing them within…

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Add and Removing Data from ECC Accumulators

An accumulator allows Bob to add values onto a fixed-length digest, and to provide proof of the values added, without revealing them within the accumulated value. In this case, we will use a basic ECC method to make commitments to data elements.

We will use a BL12 curve, and which has two cyclic groups of 𝔾1 and 𝔾2. Initially, we generate a key pair on the 𝔾1 group, and where the private key values will be used to add and delete data entities on the accumulator. Initially, we create a random secret key value (sk) and then a public key of:

The outline code is to add the hash of a message to the accumulator, and then remove it back to its original state [here]:

package main
import (
func main() {
	msg := "Hello"
argCount := len(os.Args[1:])
	if argCount > 0 {
msg = os.Args[1]
	curve := curves.BLS12381(&curves.PointBls12381G1{})
var seed [32]byte
	sk := curve.Scalar.Hash(seed[:])
acc := curve.Scalar.Point().Generator()
	fmt.Printf("Curve: %s", curve.Name)
	element := curve.Scalar.Hash([]byte(msg))
	fmt.Printf("\nAccumulator (initialisation): \n%x\n%x\n", acc.ToAffineUncompressed()[0:48], acc.ToAffineUncompressed()[48:])
fmt.Printf(" Message to add: %x", msg)
fmt.Printf(" Hash to add: %x", element.Bytes())
	/// Add
val := element.Add(sk)
acc = acc.Mul(val)
	fmt.Printf("\nAccumulator (after adding): \n%x\n%x\n", acc.ToAffineUncompressed()[0:48], acc.ToAffineUncompressed()[48:])
	// remove
val = element.Add(sk) // y + sk
y, _ := val.Invert() // 1/(y+sk)
acc = acc.Mul(y)
	fmt.Printf("\nAccumulator (after deletion): \n%x\n%x\n", acc.ToAffineUncompressed()[0:48], acc.ToAffineUncompressed()[48:])

A sample run [here]:

Curve: BLS12-831
Accumulator (initialisation):
Message to add: the
Hash to add: 6c8e6f2b9d45f59961087ae96ead4c3b58dcdb04de92015a05bec15c7b916a9f
Accumulator (after adding): 
Accumulator (after deletion): 

We can see that we start with the base point on G1 for the accumulator. Next, we add the message as a hash value. This is achieved by multiplying the existing accumulator value, with (sk + H), and where H is the hash of the new message. To remove the value of H, we would just divide by (sk+H). For this, we just compute (sk+H) and then compute the inverse value for this.