The Wonder of Stack Overflow

As an active researcher, I spend a good deal of time reading research papers and trying to implement the methods. One thing I have found is…

The Wonder of Stack Overflow

As an active researcher, I spend a good deal of time reading research papers and trying to implement the methods. One thing I have found is that Wikipedia is of virtually no use for this. Overall it has fairly generic content, and where the authoritative guides are in the research papers. While I use Visual Studio for my main website, I use VS Code for virtually all of my prototypes. I just love the way it picks up my code and just lets me run it. For cryptography code development, there’s little that can beat it (and my students even run it in Linux):

So, it was good to see I am in good company, and where the majority of Go developers in a recent survey also used VS Code [here]:

When it comes to the sources I use for designing and debugging code, there are two main places for me: Stack Overflow and viewing the source code. For Stack Overflow, I can always find experts who are happy to explain maths concepts along with code:

And for viewing code, I often end up on the source code GitHub, and examine the code involved. This is a great way of learning core techniques, and I highly recommend it. Golang and Rust are especially good at revealing the underlying code, along with providing test code in GitHub. Again the survey showed that many others use this method [here]:

For me, Golang is my “go-to” language, and if I can’t get something to integrate, I either turn to Python (for prototyping) or Rust (for serious work), and it seems other developers seem to agree [here]:

So, if you have time and not already doing it … go learn Go …