Towards The Future …

Before the pandenic we used to have lots of engagement events. It was a place the collaboration and innovation partnerships happened. It…

Towards The Future …

Before the pandemic, we used to have lots of engagement events. It was a place the collaboration and innovation partnerships happened. It was a place where we discussed new ideas and dismissed old ideas. It was a place where we sparked a vision of a better future. And so yesterday, we were back, and with an event organised by one of our future spin-outs (TrueDeploy). The event was organised by Nanik Ramchandani and Pavlos Papadopoulos, and who are advancing TrueDeploy to spin-out.

Nanik Ramchandani
Pavlos Papadopoulos

We are lucky to have an amazing venue for these events (and we know it as “The Egg”), and even the walk into the campus gives me goose-bumps:

But, it’s when you get inside that it becomes really special:

What I love about these events, is that you just never know what you are going to learn. First up was Ciara Mitchell:

And it was all about innovation, collaboration and partnership:

And then David Harvey the Managing Director from FTI Consulting outlined the threats that Fintech face.

Slides here.

And what an amazing opportunity we have in Scotland, when you have people like the wonderful Dr Jamie Graves. He’s someone who took a PhD idea to a company at scale (Zonefox), and which was acquired by Fortinet. That experience is something that is so important for future start-ups and spin-outs:

And his focus on shift-left:

After the break it was Nicola Anderson, the CEO of Fintech Scotland, and who outlined the supportive infrastructure for Fintech companies in Scotland:

And followed by a stimulating panel discussion hosted by our innovative Nick Pitropakis (and who has just received a new EU grant looking at building trusted systems for citizens):

And a great end point was Pavlos discussing his work in converting PhD work into an amazing spin-out:

It’s a privilege to work such talented people, and to interface with great people who have a passion for their work, and want to help build a better future:


We have conferences coming up on Big Data in Cybersecurity (our flagship conference), Cryptography and Blockchain, and Industry 4.0. Please try and get involved … and help build the future.