CTF Generator: Low private exponent (d) in RSA … the Wiener attack

I am working on a set of Cipher CTFs using Ethereum, and part of this is to create methods which aim to break RSA. If you are interested…

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CTF Generator: Low private exponent (d) in RSA … the Wiener attack

I am working on a set of automated Cipher CTF (Capture The Flag) challenges, and part of this is to create methods which aim to break RSA. If you are interested, here are the RSA -related ones I’ve already completed:

  • CTF Generator: Cracking RSA with Chinese Remainder Theory — Håstad’s Broadcast Attack. CRT. In this example, an RSA cipher has used the same message and with three different moduli.
  • CTF: RSA Challenge Generator. RSA. This provides values for e and N, and gives the cipher, and you must crack it by finding d.
  • CTF Generator: Low exponent in RSA (for public exponent). Low public exponent in RSA.

So, this morning, I implemented the Wiener attack [1] on RSA keys which have a relatively low private exponent (d):

In RSA, we select two prime numbers of equal length (p and q), and then multiply these to give a modulus:

We then compute the ciphertext as:

and where we decrypt with:

With this, we have a public exponent of e, and a private exponent of d. The value of d is computed from:

and where:

While these days, we normally use e=65537, we could select a range of values of e. If we select a fairly large value, then the value of d could be discovered. In this case, we will use the Wiener attack [1] to discover p, q and d.

For this, we have a public key of ⟨e,N⟩, N=pq and q<p<2. So if:

then d can be recovered by searching k/d among the convergents of e/N. The following code is based on [here]:

from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes,bytes_to_long
from Crypto import Random
import Crypto
import sys
import libnum
from math import isqrt
from sympy import *
import random
def get_prime(bits):
p = Crypto.Util.number.getPrime(bits, randfunc=Crypto.Random.get_random_bytes)
# Rational numbers have finite a continued fraction expansion.
def get_cf_expansion(n, d):
e = []
q = n // d
r = n % d
    while r != 0:
n, d = d, r
q = n // d
r = n % d
    return e
def get_convergents(e):
n = [] # Nominators
d = [] # Denominators
    for i in range(len(e)):
if i == 0:
ni = e[i]
di = 1
elif i == 1:
ni = e[i]*e[i-1] + 1
di = e[i]
else: # i > 1
ni = e[i]*n[i-1] + n[i-2]
di = e[i]*d[i-1] + d[i-2]
yield (ni, di)
def create_keypair(size):
while True:
p = get_prime(size // 2)
q = get_prime(size // 2)
if q < p < 2*q:
    N = p * q
phi_N = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    # Recall that: d < (N^(0.25))/3
    max_d = isqrt(isqrt(N))// 3
    max_d_bits = max_d.bit_length() - 1
    while True:
d = random.randint(0,2**max_d_bits)
e = pow(d,-1,phi_N)
if (e * d) % phi_N == 1:
    return  N, e, d, p, q
if (len(sys.argv)>1):
if (len(sys.argv)>2):
m=  bytes_to_long(msg.encode())
N, e, d, p, q = create_keypair(bits)
print(f'Bob uses RSA to send an encrypted message to Alice. The public exponent (e) is {e} and the modulus (N) is {N}. With a cipher of {C}, determine the decrypted message:')
cf_expansion = get_cf_expansion(e, N)
convergents = get_convergents(cf_expansion)
for pk, pd in convergents: # pk - possible k, pd - possible d
if pk == 0:
	possible_phi = (e*pd - 1)//pk
	p = Symbol('p', integer=True)
roots = solve(p**2 + (possible_phi - N - 1)*p + N, p)
	if len(roots) == 2:
pp, pq = roots # pp - possible p, pq - possible q
if pp*pq == N:
print('Using Wiener attack')
print('Found d:',d)
print('Found p:',pp)
print('Found q:',pq)
print('Found PHI:',possible_phi)
print('Now using C^d mod N')
print(f"\nDecipher: {long_to_bytes(M)}")
print('[-] Wiener\'s Attack failed; Could not factor N')

A sample run for a modulus of 256 bits is:

Bob uses RSA to send an encrypted message to Alice. The public exponent (e) is 43871681663324392533127781481009362400584674864304806646491757416665595523303 and the modulus (N) is 44466357534339575017860083247573877407618031516680311133883139663695835208893. With a cipher of 43902765653352906059943880269521181498770230735446008058649859731568013764582, determine the decrypted message:
Using Wiener attack
Found d: 4194341459785600727
Found p: 197877740962711720186826779166020766833
Found q: 224716318864378282922995753259834583821
Found PHI: 44466357534339575017860083247573877407195437456853221130773317131269979858240
Now using C^d mod N
Decipher: b'abc'

So, if you are an eager student (and we are all students of some form), or want to generate challenges for your students, here is the challenge generator:


and here is the solver:


So here’s a challenge for you:

Bob uses RSA to send an encrypted message to Alice. The public exponent (e) is 72346057606464611965416673142428864369242668619028107101120465554803081436731 and the modulus (N) is 78821919615049121282446060740822935483766681740557816303517540176403696360971. With a cipher of 45915720098628515386324213246149352612336524174187945728330971084073293182313, determine the decrypted message.

The answer is a UK city.


We are pretty much fixed on e=65537, so d is highly unlikely to be small (if we use a large enough modulus). But, it’s an interesting method and allows you to get into cryptanalysis. Go learn some RSA crypto … [here]:


[1] Wiener, M. J. (1990). Cryptanalysis of short RSA secret exponents. IEEE Transactions on Information theory, 36(3), 553–558. [here].