Homomorphic Multiplication and Division Using ElGamal in PowerShell

Data exists in three main states: over-air, at-rest and in-process. While we have encryption for over-air (such as with TLS and wireless…

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Homomorphic Multiplication and Division Using ElGamal in PowerShell

Data exists in three main states: over-air, at-rest and in-process. While we have encryption for over-air (such as with TLS and wireless encryption) and for at-rest (such as for disk encryption), we often do not protect our data within process. And, so, if someone gets access to the memory they would reveal sensitive information such as passwords and encryption keys.

Homomorphic encryption aims to overcome this problem, and where we can process data using encrypted values. This involves generating a private key and a public key, and where we encrypt the data with the public key, and then can process the values using arithmetic values, and then decrypt the result with the private key. Overall, we can have partial homomorphic encryption (PHE) or full homomorphic encryption (FHE). We can also have methods which operate just on integers, and others that deal with floating point values.

While new methods, such as CKKS (Cheon, Kim, Kim and Song) are defined for FHE, there is a performance hit for the processing. If we just need to multiply or divide integers, then some of our existing public key methods can be used, and where they typically have good performance levels against the FHE methods. One of these is the usage of ElGamal encryption, and which naturally supports multiplication and division. So let’s implement these in PowerShell.


In its purest form, ElGamal encryption uses discrete logs but is now often used with elliptic curves. Initially, Bob creates his public key by selecting a g value and a prime number (p) and then selecting a private key (x). He then computes Y which is:

His public key is (Y,g,p) and he will send this to Alice. Alice then creates a message (M) and selects a random value (k). She then computes a and b:

Bob then receives these (a and b), and then uses his private key (x) to decrypt the values and discover the message:

This works because:

In finite fields, the operation of 1/x (mod p) is performed as an inverse of x mod p. A demonstration of encryption and decryption is here:


Homomorphic multiplication

To multiply homomorphically, we have:

Then we get:

The code to encrypt, decrypt and multiply is:

function encrypt($g, $p, $n, $message) {
$k=getRandom $p $n

$a = [BigInt]::ModPow($g, $k, $p)
$s = [BigInt]::ModPow($Y, $k, $p)
$b = ([BigInt]::Multiply($message, $s)) % $p
return $a,$b

function decrypt($a, $b, $x, $p) {

$aval = [BigInt]::ModPow($a, $x, $p)
$aval_inv = inverse_mod $aval $p
$d = ([BigInt]::Multiply($aval_inv, $b)) % $p
return $d

function homomorphic_multiply($a1, $b1, $a2, $b2) {
return ($a,$b)

The full code is here:


and a sample run for 123 multiplied by 2 is [here]:

Val 1: 123
Val 2: 2
Private key: 8110526336833461392694766893144765884975539500638608369614246491065989597104
Prime: 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819949
Public key (Y,p,g)=
Decrypted: 246
Decrypted: 61

Homomorphic division

For division, we take the inverse of the divisor (a2, b2) values:

This is implemented as an inverse mod p operation

function homomorphic_divide($a1, $b1, $a2, $b2, $p) {
$aval2_inv = inverse_mod $a2 $p
$bval2_inv = inverse_mod $b2 $p
$a=($a1*$aval2_inv) % $p
$b=($b1*$bval2_inv) % $p
return ($a,$b)

The full code for this is here:


and a sample run is:

Val 1: 122
Val 2: 2
Private key: 22176049143396515587044301005691117544848995522078536165826426281069072894575
Prime: 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819949
Public key (Y,p,g)=
Decrypted: 61


The pure ElGamal method is hardly used in encryption at the current time, but it was used to create the DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) signature method, and which has now become ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm). But, now is the time for ElGamal to make a return, and which allows us to perform multiplies and divides in a private-preserving way.

If you are interested in the ElGamal method, try here:


and for PowerShell:


It should be noted, that for performance reasons, the prime number I have used is relatively small and well-known. In real life, we would use a prime number that had at least 1,024 bits, and that was randomly generated.


[1] Cheon, J. H., Kim, A., Kim, M., & Song, Y. (2017, December). Homomorphic encryption for arithmetic of approximate numbers. In International conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security (pp. 409–437). Springer, Cham.