Implementing Homomorphic Addition With ElGamal and PowerShell

Homomorphic encryption provides us with a way to encrypt values and then to be able to process them. Let’s say we have Bob the Data…

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Implementing Homomorphic Addition With ElGamal and PowerShell

Homomorphic encryption provides us with a way to encrypt values and then to be able to process them. Let’s say we have Bob the Data Processor and Alice the Consumer. With this, Alice could encrypt the values that she has with her public key, and then Bob can process these values with mathematical operations and then give the result back to Alice, who will then decrypt the result.

For given methods, such as for RSA and ElGamal, we can have partial homomorphic encryption (PHE), and where we implement a few of the arithmetic operations. For example, ElGamal naturally supports multiplication and division:

But what about addition and subtraction? Well, with a tweak, we can modify ElGamal to support addition and subtraction.

Homomorphic addition using the ElGamal method

With ElGamal encryption, initially, Bob creates his public key by selecting a g value and a prime number (p) and then selecting a private key (x). He then computes Y which is:

His public key is (Y,g,p) and he will send this to Alice. Alice then creates a message (M) and selects a random value k. She then computes a and b:

Bob then receives these and decrypts with:

This works because:

Now with additive homomorphic encryption, we change the encryption to be:

Notice that instead of:

we now have:

The result of the decryption then gives:

Then just need to brute force the resulting value to find a value which matches g^i. The working out is:

and then:

The modification (for values of v1 and v2) is simply [here]:

function encrypt($g, $p, $n, $message) {
$k=getRandom $p $n

$a = [BigInt]::ModPow($g, $k, $p)
$s = [BigInt]::ModPow($Y, $k, $p)
$b = ([BigInt]::Multiply([BigInt]::ModPow($g,$message,$p), $s)) % $p
return $a,$b

We then search the result for possible values of M1+M2. An example of a search for the solution to v_r is [here]:

for($i = 0; $i -lt 2000; $i++){ 
$val = [BigInt]::ModPow($g, $i, $p)
if ($val -eq $dec) {
"Found it at ",$i

One of the great advantages of using Python is that it automatically deals with Big Integers. We thus do not need any special data type and can just operate on them as if they were normal integer types. The coding is [here]:

function inverse_mod([BigInt] $a,[BigInt] $p){	
# res = a^{-1} (mod p)
$val = [BigInt]0
$nt = [BigInt]1
$r = $p
$nr = $a
while ($nr -ne [BigInt]0) {
$q = [BigInt]::Divide($r,$nr)
$val_temp = $nt
$nt = [BigInt]::Subtract($val,[BigInt]::Multiply($q,$nt))
$val = $val_temp
$val_temp = $nr
$nr = [BigInt]::Subtract($r, [BigInt]::Multiply($q,$nr))
$r = $val_temp
if ($r -gt 1) {return -1}
if ($val -lt 0) {$val = [BigInt]::Add($val,$p)}
return $val

function getg([BigInt] $p){
$One = [BigInt] 1
$Two = [BigInt] 2
$etotient = [BigInt]::Subtract($p, $One)
$g = 3
$e = [BigInt]::Divide($etotient,$Two)

while([BigInt]::ModPow($g, $e, $p) -ne $etotient ){
$g = [BigInt]::Add($g, $Two)
return $g

function getRandom([BigInt]$p, [BigInt]$n) {
$rngValue = [System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider]::new()
$bytesb = [byte[]]::new($n / 8)
$r = ([BigInt]::new($bytesb)) % $p
if($r -le [BigInt]::Zero ) {$r = [BigInt]::Add($r, $p) }
return $r

function encrypt($g, $p, $n, $message) {
$k=getRandom $p $n

$a = [BigInt]::ModPow($g, $k, $p)
$s = [BigInt]::ModPow($Y, $k, $p)
$b = ([BigInt]::Multiply([BigInt]::ModPow($g,$message,$p), $s)) % $p
return $a,$b

function decrypt($a, $b, $x, $p) {

$aval = [BigInt]::ModPow($a, $x, $p)
$aval_inv = inverse_mod $aval $p
$d = ([BigInt]::Multiply($aval_inv, $b)) % $p
return $d

function getPublic($x,$p) {
$g = getg $p
$Y = [BigInt]::ModPow($g, $x, $p)
return $Y,$g

function homomorphic_multiply($a1, $b1, $a2, $b2, $p) {
$a=($a1*$a2) % $p
$b=($b1*$b2) % $p
return ($a,$b)

$val1 = 123
$val2 = 2

try {
if ($Args.Count -gt 0) {
} catch {
"Value needs to be an integer"
try {
if ($Args.Count -gt 1) {
} catch {
"Value needs to be an integer"

$p = [BigInt]::Pow(2,255)-19
$n = 2048

"Val 1="+$val1
"Val 2="+$val2

$x = getRandom $p $n
"`nPrivate key: "+$x
"Prime: "+$p

$Y,$g= getPublic $x $p

"`nPublic key (Y,p,g)=",$Y, $p, $g

$a1,$b1=encrypt $g $p $n $val1
$a2,$b2=encrypt $g $p $n $val2

$a,$b = homomorphic_multiply $a1 $b1 $a2 $b2 $p


$dec= decrypt $a $b $x $p

"`nDecrypted: "+$dec

for($i = 0; $i -lt 2000; $i++){
$val = [BigInt]::ModPow($g, $i, $p)
if ($val -eq $dec) {
"Found it at ",$i

A sample run [here]:

Val 1=122
Val 2=2
Private key: 16496812066134065352625747472431048288924849722938781306291469136192341310617
Prime: 57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819949
Public key (Y,p,g)=
Decrypted: 12584846349149963361443117732271090738781900948954492858144986148904760879551
Found it at


For subtraction, we modify with:


ElGamal methods are now being used in a range of homomorphic and zero-knowledge proof methods and are generally much less processor intensive than fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) methods. If you want to know more about ElGamal encryption, try here:

and for PowerShell here: