Smashing (Crypto) Pumpkins

Meet the Pumpkin Hash: MD6

Photo by Bekir Dönmez on Unsplash

Smashing (Crypto) Pumpkins

Meet the Pumpkin Hash: MD6

Well, it’s that time of the year when you can’t avoid pumpkins. So let’s look at a little story about an amazing piece of cryptography that never quite make it into the mainstream: the Pumpkin Hash.

MD2, MD4, and MD5

Ron Rivest is held in possibly the highest of all regards of anyone in cryptography. Overall, he has been cited over 155,480 times, including:

His classic paper was, of course, the RSA method (“A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems”). RSA, in fact, still provides the core of trust on the Internet (and it is likely that your browser is using RSA to prove the identity of most of the sites that you visit). But, he also published a classic paper on the MD5 hashing method. This produced a 128-bit hash value and was (and still is) well-used in many applications. Unfortunately, it is now fairly easy to create a hash collision.

The SHA-3 competition

In 2008, NIST was standardizing the SHA-3 method and looking to find an alternative method to SHA-2 (SHA-256). And, so, all looked good for Ron to produce the next version of his hashing method — the MD6 method. For this, he and several other authors submitted the MD6 hashing method to Round 1 [here]:

In a presentation, Ron referred to MD6 as the Pumpkin hash, as the submission date for SHA-3 submissions was Halloween 2008. While the Keccak sponge function eventually won the competition, MD6 was interesting as it used a Merkle tree-like to support a massively parallel hashing process. It was provable free from differential analysis and was thought to be free from side channels, along with achieved hashing spends of 1GB/s using a 16-core CPU infrastructure.

Unfortunately, Douglas Held found a buffer overflow weakness, and Ron announced this in February 2009. While Ron never actually withdrew the hashing method from the competition, it did not make it to Round 2. At the time, he noted:

We are not withdrawing our submission; NIST is free to select MD6 for further consideration in the next round if it wishes. But at this point MD6 doesn’t meet our own standards for what we believe should be required of a SHA-3 candidate, and we suggest that NIST might do better looking elsewhere. In particular, we feel that a minimum “ticket of admission” for SHA-3 consideration should be a proof of resistance to basic differential attacks, and we don’t know how to make such a proof for a reduced-round MD6.

And, so, given such a strong statement, NIST did not select it to progress to Round 2. But, by 2011, though, an improved method was created that overcame the weakness [here]:

Overall, in 2008, MD6 entered the NIST competition along with 50 other candidates, with 14 progressing to Round 2. In the final round — Round 3 — there were only five candidates: BLAKE, Grøstl, JH, Keccak, and Skein. The winner — Keccak — was announced in October 2021. Since then, though, BLAKE has gone from strength to strength, and BLAKE 3 is one of the fastest cryptographic hashing methods around.


We see Merkle trees in many application areas of blockchain. With this, we take two hashes of data at a time and hash them together in order to create a root hash (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Merkle Tree

The great advantage of using a Merkle Tree is that we can easily check that a value is included in the root hash. In Figure 2, to test that ‘Germany’ (Node 2) is in the tree, we would need only need Node 1, Node 34 and Node 567 in order to generate the root (Node 1234567).

Figure 2: Merkle Tree

The reason we only need nodes 1, 34 and 567, is that we can regenerate Node 12 and Node 1234 from these values. Bitcoin, for example, uses this method in order to check the validity of a transaction within the block. We can then add our transactions into a Merkle Tree, and produce a root hash. Within the block, we can then add the root hash of the previous block and the root hash of the next block and thus interlock the blocks into a chain (Figure 3).

Figure 3

Ron’s idea was to use the power of the Merkle Tree to actually use the root hash as the overall hash of the data. The great advantage of this is that the lower layers of the tree can be done as a massively parallel operation, and where we can independently hash the lower levels at the same time (if we can multiple CPUs). In Figure 3, we see 1–2, 3–4, 5–6 and 6–7 can all be processed at the same time, and then 12–23 and 56–7. Ron proposed that this multiprocessing approach could take advantage of the rise in multi-processor systems.

For MD6, the input data size ranges from 0 to 2⁶⁴–1 bits, and the output hash is either 224, 256, 384, or 512 bits. One of its key strengths is its simplicity is its provable resistance to differential attacks.

MD6 uses a fairly large input message block size of 512 bytes (and which is much larger than most hashing methods). It then uses the Merkle Tree to hash four blocks at a time, and thus achieves a 4–1 compression ratio at each level (Figure 4). Thus, if we start 256x512 bytes (128MB) at Level 0, we will have 256 nodes. At Level 1, we will then have 64 nodes, and then at Level 2, we will have 16 nodes, and so on, until we get a final root hash. This root hash is then the MD6 hash of the data. The height of the tree can then be shown to be log_4(nodes). For 256 nodes, we get a height of eight.

Figure 4 [here]

With MD6, we can significantly speed up the method using CPU cores to run the hashing of the tree as illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5 [here]


The following is some code to implement MD6 [using this code][here]:

var md6 = require("./md6.js");

var data = "Hello"

var args = process.argv;
if (args.length>1) data=args[2];

console.log("Message: " + data);
var hash = md6.getHashOfText(data,16*8);
console.log("Hash 128: " + hash);
var hash = md6.getHashOfText(data,32*8);
console.log("Hash 256: " + hash);
var hash = md6.getHashOfText(data,64*8);
console.log("Hash 512: " + hash);

A sample run is [here]:

Message: Test
Hash 128: bc7e7a90c6610310a6c386ba0482c889
Hash 256: 2543e1c393d880e4564fed11f15d03ade6c5ccb9dbbd45ff1808010cbd82bdd2
Hash 512: 702fd91632a6df15bb5041eb2ea031f7b931564eeb5324e92250bf2f4a8cb5eb7f40a607341b1ede16c880040bd04ab828f9aa81b5da3967111cdcdafd390839


Sometimes when something becomes a standard it becomes a little boring, and where it never changes. As a researcher, I quite like investigating the methods that have been dismissed, as there’s a chance that there’s an emerging need for new approaches. I still hold out hope for the Merkle Tree approach to come back, so it’s good not to dismiss it. The 2011 paper fixed its initial problem, and so it is still fit to scale into an era of multi-core systems. For Ph.D. students and ECRs (Early Career Research), I highlight that you should try not to dismiss methods that the rest of the community has dismissed — there might just be a little gold mine of new applications that no one else has seen.

And, so, I sign off with Ron’s final slide:

Figure 6 [here]