Schnorr Zero Knowledge Proofs With Elliptic Cr

In Feb 1989, Claus Peter Schnorr submitted a patent which was assigned to no one. It had 11 claims and allowed digital signatures to be…

Photo by Camila Quintero Franco on Unsplash

Schnorr Zero Knowledge Proofs With Elliptic Curves

In Feb 1989, Claus Peter Schnorr submitted a patent that was assigned to no one. It had 11 claims and allowed digital signatures to be merged for multiple signers [here]:

This method has the great advantage that we can have multiple signers to a message or a transaction and end up with a single signature for all the signers. It is now being used in Bitcoin transactions so that we have an efficient signature for a transaction that involves multiple entities.

With the Schnorr signature, we create a signature (R,s) for a hash of the message (m). Initially, Peggy (the prover) has a private key x, and her public key will then be:

and where G is the base point on the curve. She then generates random nonce (r_t) for the signing of a message and defines a commitment to this value:

Next, with a message (m), she computes a challenge (e) with a hash function of:

Next, Peggy computes:

Peggy then sends e,s to Victor (the verifier). Victor then determines if:

These should equal each other. This works because:

The Schnorr method — using elliptic curve methods — is implemented here:

Schnorr non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof

With the Schnorr non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof, we can prove knowledge of a discrete logarithm without leaking its value. For example, we can prove that we know g^r (mod p) without revealing r. These days, we tend to convert our discrete log problem to elliptic curves, so let’s convert the Schnorr NIZK proof into an elliptic curve method. Initially, Peggy (the prover) defines a private key of x, and publishes her public key:


and where H is a point on the elliptic curve. Next, Peggy chooses a random value v from 1 to n−1 and where n is the order of the curve. She then computes:


This is then sent to Victor, and who creates a challenge c between 0 and 2^t−1, and where t is the bit length of the challenge. Victor then sends c to Peggy. She then computes:

r=va.c (mod n)

Peggy will then send V and r to Victor. He then performs these verifies:


This works because:


To make this non-interactive using a random oracle model, and where Peggy generates her own value of c from:


We can use the Circl library from Cloudflare to implement [here]:

package main

import (



func ProveGen(myGroup group.Group, H, X group.Element, x group.Scalar, peggyID, victorID, dst []byte, rnd io.Reader) (group.Element, group.Scalar) {
v := myGroup.RandomNonZeroScalar(rnd)
V := myGroup.NewElement()
V.Mul(H, v)

// Hash (H | V | X | peggyID | victorID) for challenge
HByte, errByte := H.MarshalBinary()
if errByte != nil {
VByte, errByte := V.MarshalBinary()
if errByte != nil {

RByte, errByte := X.MarshalBinary()
if errByte != nil {

hashByte := append(HByte, VByte...)
hashByte = append(hashByte, RByte...)
hashByte = append(hashByte, peggyID...)
hashByte = append(hashByte, victorID...)

c := myGroup.HashToScalar(hashByte, dst)

xc := myGroup.NewScalar()
xc.Mul(c, x)
r := v.Copy()
r.Sub(r, xc)

return V, r

func Verify(myGroup group.Group, H, X group.Element, V group.Element, r group.Scalar, peggyID, victorID, dst []byte) bool {

HByte, errByte := H.MarshalBinary()
if errByte != nil {
VByte, errByte := V.MarshalBinary()
if errByte != nil {

RByte, errByte := X.MarshalBinary()
if errByte != nil {
hashByte := append(HByte, VByte...)
hashByte = append(hashByte, RByte...)
hashByte = append(hashByte, peggyID...)
hashByte = append(hashByte, victorID...)

c := myGroup.HashToScalar(hashByte, dst)

rH := myGroup.NewElement()
rH.Mul(H, r)

cR := myGroup.NewElement()
cR.Mul(X, c)

rH.Add(rH, cR)

return V.IsEqual(rH)

func main() {

dst := "Zero"
myGroup := group.P256
curvetype := "P256"

argCount := len(os.Args[1:])

if argCount > 0 {
curvetype = os.Args[1]
if argCount > 1 {
dst = os.Args[2]
switch curvetype {
case "P256":
myGroup = group.P256
case "P384":
myGroup = group.P384
case "P521":
myGroup = group.P521

x := myGroup.RandomNonZeroScalar(rand.Reader)
H := myGroup.RandomElement(rand.Reader)

X := myGroup.NewElement()
X.Mul(H, x)

rnd := rand.Reader
V, r := ProveGen(myGroup, H, X, x, []byte("Peggy"), []byte("Victor"), []byte(dst), rnd)

verify := Verify(myGroup, H, X, V, r, []byte("Peggy"), []byte("Victor"), []byte(dst))
fmt.Printf("Value to prove (x): %v\n\n", x)
fmt.Printf("Public value (X):\n%v\n\n", X)
fmt.Printf("Curve used: %s\n\n", curvetype)
fmt.Printf("Domain separation: %s\n\n", dst)
if verify == true {
fmt.Printf("Proof (V):\n%v\n\nr: %v\n\n", V, r)
fmt.Printf("Verify: True")
} else {
fmt.Printf("ZKP failed")


A sample run [here]:

Value to prove (x): 0x9edcbf2138f1d1fcd3e0f900a743666199490c43bb4f8ec8437ef876d55ba9d7

Public value (X):
x: 0x19ca69902bfc701f4a5eea7d77d508ede846de3a4a15c0abbb70a7734ba285f9
y: 0x392687ba57e196ebdf8947d2d33ea39f23dbbffdd93a31cf3c7f5da313ea44c9

Curve used: P256

Domain separation: Hello

Proof (V):
x: 0x8feea5318bd201806756dca6cacedb5bb977c66a162e9b250fb3c94cf7bb523
y: 0x7652f2aa7f8623c0449c6fa692c04e5127c3f1ff19686a1d1213c1d99783301d

r: 0xb3c0c9560725a921872ad32f6818b480ded2af6d3bdbad337cc655ba2bd1f70d

Verify: True


Is that beautiful, and where we can prove the knowledge of a value, without revealing it:

And if you are interested in Zero Knowledge Proofs: