Encrypting Passwords in PowerShell With Your Own Key

The security of passwords and strings is a little confusing in Microsoft Windows —and much of it uses legacy methods. For strings we can…

Encrypting Passwords in PowerShell With Your Own Key

The security of passwords and strings is a little confusing in Microsoft Windows —and much of it uses legacy methods. For strings we can encrypt them into secure strings using the Data Protection Application Programming Interface (DPAPI). But, what if we want to use our own keys?

In terms of the encryption methods, it has been discovered that the DPAPI method depend on the operating system version:

  • Windows 2000 uses RC4 and HMAC-SHA-1 with one round of PBKDF2. Approximate security strength: 95,000 passwords/second.
  • Window XP uses 3DES and HMAC-SHA-1 with 4000 rounds of PBKDF2. Approximate security strength: 4,000 passwords/second.
  • Windows Vista uses 3DES and HMAC-SHA-1 with 24000 rounds of PBKDF2. Approximate security strength: 12 passwords/second.
  • Windows 7 and Windows 10 use 256-bit AES-CBC and HMAC-SHA-512 with 5,600 rounds of PBKDF2. Approximate security strength: 10 passwords/second.

To create a secure string [here]:

$pwd = 'qwerty123'
$securepwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $pwd -AsPlainText -Force
$encryptedpwd = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $securepwd
"Input: "+ $pwd
"Encrypted: " + $encryptedpwd
$dec = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $securepwd -AsPlainText
"Decrypted: " + $dec

A sample run shows:

Input: qwerty123
Encrypted: 01000000d08c9ddf0115d1118c7a00c04fc297eb01000000e04794a8b647a145b23d1d0191029caf0000000002000000000010660000000100002000000019e358c8ffef427a6002feba277e5c56846fd6cdc34c0d3f61f1a33744023110000000000e8000000002000020000000031df856aff5e89017b6395edf8117ab90754cac0e391e7e9f42bd5fa42f1690200000009e0e10ffdd971a1eb4ce47a2de65dc1109cf6b2759ef23900f60212458920f644000000046f759f858c03ca2b3245406412a7c2ddc7ff34be74c5ea0a4c5ee501566980d8785d328908f26ae5a0484636d70e69992cc019503dbc34963564478590329df
Decrypted: qwerty123

The magic number of encrypted data is:

01 00 00 00 D0 8C 9D DF 01 15 D1 11 8C 7A 00 C0 4F C2 97 EB

If we parse the encrypted content we get:


If we try again we get:


But, what if we want to encrypt the string with our own password. Well, with this, we can generate our own key with PBKDF2, and then use the generated key to encrypt the secure string. For this we can take the secure strong, then use the -key option:

$EncryptedPW = ConvertFrom-SecureString $SecureString -Key $keyder

The following is the coding [here]:

$password =$Args[0]
$salt = $Args[1]
$iterations = [int]$Args[2]
$hash = $Args[3]
$saltBytes = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($salt)
"Password: "+$password
"Salt: "+$salt
"Iterations: "+$iterations
"Hash method: "+$hash
"Size: "+$size
"`nKey derivation (Hex): "+[System.Convert]::ToHexString($keyder)
"Key derivation (Hex): "+[System.Convert]::ToBase64String($keyder)
$SecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
$SecureStringVal = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $SecureString
$EncryptedPW = ConvertFrom-SecureString $SecureString -Key $keyder

"Secure string: "+$SecureStringVal
"Encrypted password: "+$EncryptedPW
$EncryptedPW1 = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $EncryptedPW -Key $keyder
$pass = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $EncryptedPW1 -AsPlainText
"Decrypted Password: "+$pass

A sample run shows [here]:

Password: qwerty
Salt: test
Iterations: 500
Hash method: SHA256
Size: 32
Key derivation (Hex): 21B10ED2B006D1F0826B4A2E3A16841D614ACCE155F77FFA2B17A0C1E48F92D8
Key derivation (Hex): IbEO0rAG0fCCa0ouOhaEHWFKzOFV93/6KxegweSPktg=
Secure string: 01000000d08c9ddf0115d1118c7a00c04fc297eb01000000d1632283ab62d548af37fa9aaf5e7d3e00000000020000000000106600000001000020000000531ee2f83b547fd5f7642bbc603de980a4969233f79a1f1869d0122de390b158000000000e8000000002000020000000df47b0ca5242c289bdb75696dedeb549c58eb3c1fb2327693b4ddccd04791c7710000000203bda1f0b836e647640b5d6619b3b2040000000b76dd6a773c15ce9378c2451559ad5532cef403336511702b29be4d6433d17bb77fcf30d1ce50f9855e86ee175aeb1769b1cbd82142f648de1bf5e1b0c19f2ee
Decrypted Password: qwerty

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