Bob Dylan and Alice Cooper Play Cyber

Did you know that the theme music to Some Mothers’ Do Have Them has a Morse Code message:

Ref [here]

Bob Dylan and Alice Cooper Play Cyber

Did you know that the theme music to Some Mothers’ Do Have Them has a Morse Code message:

Isn’t that great? It actually sounds like real music and is distinctive. And that there’s Morse Code on a Yes song …

And, while we are on Morse Code, did you know it should be named Vail’s Cipher — as it was Alfred Vail who invented it:

Ref :QI

And, so, Bob (Dylan) and Alice (Copper) play a last concert together, and take to the stage. Eve (Jihan Cooper) is in the audience, and shows no emotion. She had been back-stage, and had been listening to their jamming, and smiled to herself on the song that she had just taken from them.

Ref [here]

They play some notes — and drop their instruments, and leave the stage:

and are never to be seen again. What message did they send to the audience? Here’s a chaser: