## Based on code at https://code.google.com/p/winpcapy/downloads/detail?name=winpcapy.zip import ctypes from winpcapy import * import time import sys import string u_short = c_ushort u_char = c_ubyte u_int = c_int class ip_address(Structure): _fields_ = [("byte1", u_char), ("byte2", u_char), ("byte3", u_char), ("byte4", u_char)] class ip_header(BigEndianStructure): _fields_ = [("ver_ihl", u_char), ("tos", u_char), ("tlen", u_short), ("identification", u_short), ("flags_fo", u_short), ("ttl", u_char), ("proto", u_char), ("crc", u_short), ("saddr", ip_address), ("daddr", ip_address), ("op_pad", u_int)] class tcp_header(BigEndianStructure): _fields_ = [("source_port", u_short), ("destination_port", u_short), ("seq", u_int), ("ack", u_int)] # Packet capture function PHAND=CFUNCTYPE(None,POINTER(c_ubyte),POINTER(pcap_pkthdr),POINTER(c_ubyte)) ## Callback function which is called for every new packet def _packet_handler(param,header,pkt_data): # retrieve the position of the ip header v_pkt_data = ctypes.cast(pkt_data, ctypes.c_void_p) v_ip_header = ctypes.c_void_p(v_pkt_data.value + 14) pih = ctypes.cast(v_ip_header, ctypes.POINTER(ip_header)) ih = pih.contents ip_len = (ih.ver_ihl & 0xf) * 4 th = ctypes.cast(ctypes.cast(pih, ctypes.c_void_p).value + ip_len, ctypes.POINTER(tcp_header)).contents print("{}.{}.{}.{}:{} -> {}.{}.{}.{}:{}".format(ih.saddr.byte1, ih.saddr.byte2, ih.saddr.byte3, ih.saddr.byte4, th.source_port,ih.daddr.byte1, ih.daddr.byte2, ih.daddr.byte3, ih.daddr.byte4,th.destination_port)) def get_ad(): i=0 d=alldevs.contents while d: i=i+1 print("%d. %s" % (i, d.name)) print (" (%s)\n" % (d.description)) if d.next: d=d.next.contents else: d=False print ("Enter the interface number (1-%d):" % (i)) inum= raw_input('--> ') inum=int(inum) d=alldevs ## Get Selected adaptor for i in range(0,inum-1): d=d.contents.next return d.contents ## Define the Callback function name packet_handler=PHAND(_packet_handler) alldevs=POINTER(pcap_if_t)() errbuf= create_string_buffer(PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) ## Find all the devices if (pcap_findalldevs(byref(alldevs), errbuf) == -1): print ("Error in pcap_findalldevs: %s\n" % errbuf.value) sys.exit(1) ## Get adapator d=get_ad() adhandle = pcap_open_live(d.name,65536,1,1000,errbuf) print("\nStarting to listen on %s...\n" % (d.description)) ## Get 20 packets pcap_loop(adhandle, 20, packet_handler, None) pcap_close(adhandle)