So What’s The Difference Between Interactive ZKP and Non-interactive ZKP?

A demo on interactive ZKP is here, and non-interactive ZKP is here.

So What’s The Difference Between Interactive ZKP and Non-interactive ZKP?

A demo on interactive ZKP is here, and non-interactive ZKP is here.

One of the most asked technical questions I get, is what is the difference between Interactive ZKP and Non-interactive proof? I’ll try and explain it in this article, with code from both types.

Basically, we have Bob proving to Alice that he still knows something (such as his password). For this, we typically use the Fiat-Shamir method, and in the interactive version, Alice sends Bob a challenge (c ):

In the end, Alice checks that vG is equal to rG+ xcG. But Alice must send a challenge. In a non-interactive method, Bob still generates a random value (v), but now generates his own challenge (c ) and which Alice can also compute:

The challenge is then the hash of xG, xH, vG and vH. As Alice knows all these values, she checks the proof is correct (r, vG and vH), and she will know that Bob still knows his password, and would then allow him to log on. Alice has not prompted for anything, but Bob has given her the proof she needs.


First Bob and Alice agree on two points on their selected elliptic curve (GG and HH). Next Bob, takes his secret and hashes it to produce a secret value (xx). He then computes xG and xH (which is the points G and H added x times), and sends these to Alice. Alice then registers them:

Next Alice sends a random challenge value (c) and sends this to Bob. Bob then generates his own random value (v), and computes r:


This is done as an elliptic curve multiply (cx) and subtract (v−cx). He also computes vG and vH, and sends r, vG, and vH back to Alice. Alice then checks that:

vG is equal to rG+c(xG)


v is equal to rH+c(xH)

If they are the same, Bob has proven his password!

In Go, we can convert our password (m) into a value by taking a hash of it (SHA-256):

message := []byte(m)
scal := sha256.Sum256(message[:])
x := suite.Scalar().SetBytes(scal[:32])

Next, we can generate our elliptic curve points (G and H):

G := suite.Point().Pick(rng)
H := suite.Point().Pick(rng)

The values passed to Alice can be generated with:

xG := suite.Point().Mul(x, G)
xH := suite.Point().Mul(x, H)

Bob can now generate a challenge, without requiring Alice to send it (non-interactive). For this Bob, takes a hash of xG, xH, vG and vH:

h := suite.Hash()
cb := h.Sum(nil) // Merge hashes
c := suite.Scalar().Pick(suite.XOF(cb))

Bob can then compute r, rG, and rH with:

r := suite.Scalar()
r.Mul(x, c).Sub(v, r)
rG := suite.Point().Mul(r, G)
rH := suite.Point().Mul(r, H)
Alice then checks:
cxG := suite.Point().Mul(c, xG)
cxH := suite.Point().Mul(c, xH)
a := suite.Point().Add(rG, cxG)
b := suite.Point().Add(rH, cxH)
fmt.Printf("Alice sends challenge:\n c: %s\n\n",c)
fmt.Printf("Bob computes:\n v:\t%s\n r:\t%s\n\n",v,r)
if !(vG.Equal(a) && vH.Equal(b)) {
fmt.Printf("Incorrect proof!")
} else {
fmt.Printf("Proof correct")

Here is the code:

package main
import (

var rng = random.New()
func main() {
suite := edwards25519.NewBlakeSHA256Ed25519()
    argCount := len(os.Args[1:])
        if (argCount>0) {m= string(os.Args[1])}
    message := []byte(m)
scal := sha256.Sum256(message[:])

    x := suite.Scalar().SetBytes(scal[:32])

    G := suite.Point().Pick(rng)
H := suite.Point().Pick(rng)

    fmt.Printf("Bob and Alice agree:\n G:\t%s\n H:\t%s\n\n",G,H)
    fmt.Printf("Bob's Password:\t%s\n",m)
fmt.Printf("Bob's Secret (x):\t%s\n\n",x)
    xG := suite.Point().Mul(x, G)
xH := suite.Point().Mul(x, H)
    fmt.Printf("Bob sends these values:\n xG:\t%s\n xH\t%s\n\n",xG,xH)

    v := suite.Scalar().Pick(suite.RandomStream())
vG := suite.Point().Mul(v, G)
vH := suite.Point().Mul(v, H)

    h := suite.Hash()
cb := h.Sum(nil)
c := suite.Scalar().Pick(suite.XOF(cb))
    // Response 
r := suite.Scalar()
r.Mul(x, c).Sub(v, r)
    rG := suite.Point().Mul(r, G)
rH := suite.Point().Mul(r, H)
cxG := suite.Point().Mul(c, xG)
cxH := suite.Point().Mul(c, xH)
a := suite.Point().Add(rG, cxG)
b := suite.Point().Add(rH, cxH)
    fmt.Printf("Alice sends challenge:\n c: %s\n\n",c)
fmt.Printf("Bob computes:\n v:\t%s\n r:\t%s\n\n",v,r)
    if !(vG.Equal(a) && vH.Equal(b)) {
fmt.Printf("Incorrect proof!")
} else {
fmt.Printf("Proof correct")

A sample run is:

Bob and Alice agree:
G: 3fd96d7b139e8805e3d94f1e04cd637aae7b9c2565a708464b62449cbbfb07fa
H: f7bf1938a30b2a84e745cbe96b25854be4a62ea69b936b8071bad412c89118f5
Bob's Password: qwerty
Bob's Secret (x): 49f9c587f98c1e5840ee76f205437cf9a582b27168c0ea744b2cf58ee0233705
Bob sends these values:
xG: b21b0fe0af6c874300fd3dcd95b6c7a2d98ef9014632661a9f86e16e134cbc0d
xH 6d009dacea721114976c5da13fbe88afeaac8ff204dfdf73b6a5c4f9b1bb651e
Alice sends challenge:
c: 7592f5abb87a6797e6f63eb0a571a51a0197a258d25002079acd82e5dc9c990e
Bob computes:
v: 18025bbd0c975f8762a263603ab1c1887884e10a748a65b2f2a428a90994220f
r: af90b47cf39b03966bd5003de377147c0103e4d22b424740a23dcd046057300e
Proof correct

A demo on interactive ZKP is here, and non-interactive ZKP is here.